Made your membership transactions easier
We have simplified your membership process. You will be able to query your membership fees and pay online easily with your ID card number. Click here for online transactions.
We have simplified your membership process. You will be able to query your membership fees and pay online easily with your ID card number. Click here for online transactions.
As the board of directors of KTVHB, the records of all our members are up-to-date, ensuring that our communication with you continues uninterrupted. For this purpose, please check the accuracy of your personal information on the website.
We would like to support you by contributing to the development of our library by sharing all your scientific articles, doctoral thesis, master’s thesis, brochures and other scientific articles with us.
Registration documents have been renewed by the board of directors of Turkish Cypriot Veterinary Medicine Association. If you wish to obtain a registration document, please contact the General Secretariat.