Membership of the Association can be either permanent or temporary.
To be a citizen of TRNC and to reside within the borders of TRNC, To have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university indicating that person is qualified to have the title of “Veterinary Surgeon” from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. To have good morality and not to be banned from practicing the art of medicine in any country for any professional offense that is considered a crime in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus; Apply to the Association in writing and attach the necessary documents to the petition, To pay the entrance fee to be determined by the Union and one year of membership fee in cash. In order to become a temporary member, veterinarians who are not TRNC citizens or do not reside within the borders of TRNC may apply to the Association for temporary membership. With regard to public interest and animal health, any veterinarian may be temporarily registered with the Association for a maximum of one year to work in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus upon the invitation and request of the government. Temporary members, like permanent members, are obliged to fulfill their membership obligations. However, they cannot participate in the General Assembly of the Association and cannot be elected to the competent boards. Temporary members cannot exercise their profession privately and freely. The Board of Directors may remove the temporary members from the Union at any time with the approval of the Honorary Board or extend their membership at the end of the term given for temporary membership. Passport photos (3 items), ID card photocopy, Copy of diploma, Application Form (should be signed and fully completed), Bank receipt which shows the paymet of Membership entry fee (600 TL) and one year membership fee (600 TL) has been paid in advance. Bank: Öyak Bank Account No: 01-304-51583 UBAN No: CT031 200 0073 000 0130 4000 51583 Notes to be written in Bank Description: “New Registration – Membership entrance fee and one-year membership fee” or as a “donation” or “…….. year membership fee” should be written. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION