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First World Food Safety Day

As the Turkish Cypriot Veterinary Association, we are pleased to share that the official decision of the United Nations will celebrate June 7, 2019 as the World Food Safety Day for the first time.

According to World Health Organization data, unsafe foods cause more than 200 diseases. One of the biggest threats is the spread of bacteria with antimicrobial resistance.

The most important elements of food safety are to ensure that production, storage and distribution are in optimal conditions under hygienic conditions. It should be ensured that all stakeholders in the food chain show due diligence and continuous supervision by the authorities.

The basic element of food safety is Veterinarians. Sustainable food safety is not possible without a veterinarian. Because; 90% of the risks arising from food originates from foods of animal origin. 62% of human diseases are zoonotic diseases of animal origin. . As K.T.V.H.B, we believe that it is possible to protect public health only if the food safety system works correctly.

Shared information by FAO and WHO under the title “Food safety, everyone’s work” is follows

1 – Food cannot be safe without food safety.

If it is not safe, you will not eat. Food safety is achieved when all people have the physical and economic access to food that meets the nutritional needs of all people for an active and healthy life. Food safety is a critical part of the four components of safe food use – availability, access, use and stability.

2-Insecure foods have a huge impact on human health and the economy.

The World Health Organization estimates that more than 600 million people become ill each year, and 420,000 die from eating food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins or chemicals. According to the World Bank, due to economic prices, the cost of unsafe foods to low and middle-income economies results in a yield loss of around $ 95 billion per year. In addition, unsafe foods limit trade.

3-Food safety is a common responsibility from production to consumption.

Food safety is everyone’s responsibility and therefore everyone’s business. Today, food is processed in larger quantities and distributed over greater distances than before. Good governance and regulation, as well as extensive cooperation and contributions from all actors in the food supply chain, are important for food safety.

4-Invests in sustainable food systems and provides public health protection and economic benefits.

Safe food ensures proper nutrient intake and promotes long-term human development. Safe food production improves sustainability by providing economic development and poverty reduction, market access and efficiency, especially in rural areas.

5- Applying a “Single Health” approach increases food safety.

Human health is linked to animal and environmental health. Pathogens and the environment that are transmitted through direct contact from animals to humans or through food and water are effective on public health and socio-economic well-being. Together, governments, academia, experts, non-governmental organizations and international organizations can combat food safety risks such as antimicrobial resistance as well as pathogenic bacteria in fruits and vegetables as a result of contact with contaminated soil or water and food of animal origin.

6-FAO and WHO support global efforts to promote safe foods.

While FAO helps Member States in preventing, managing and responding to risks throughout the food production chain, WHO facilitates global prevention, detection and response to public health threats to unsafe foods. Both organizations are working to ensure that consumers trust their authorities and their trust in safe food supply. Through complementary tasks, the long-standing partnership between FAO and WHO encompasses a variety of issues to promote global food safety and protect consumer health.

7-The Food Codex, which includes food standards, aims to help protect health and facilitate trade.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission, administered by FAO and the WHO, sets out science-based food standards and guidelines, addressing contaminants, hygiene practices, labeling, additives, inspection / inspection and certification, veterinary medical drugs and pesticide residues. When governments adopt international standards, farmers and producers can meet consumer demands for safe food at the same time and have access to the global food market at the same time.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of KTVHB,

Gökmen COŞAN